Europa Moon, 2013
inkject print 150 x 100 cm
Two photos and an audio system are what remains of a performative act performed by the artist in two frozen lakes, in Italy and America. A few dozen meters from the shore, the artist made a hole in the ice and sent microphones to the bottom. From the mainland then stones were thrown at a regular pace onto the surface of the lake. What the headphones return is the dull noise of stones sliding on the ice recorded from the bottom of the lake. The two photos seem to be snapshots of lunar landscapes where the colour, although present, gives way to a clear black and white which cools everything and also seems to freeze the emotional aspect of an operation which has as its objective being able to feel the world from Another point of view.
Recording time - 4'45''
Europa Moon, 2013
inkject print 150 x 100 cm
Europa Moon, 2013
Media montagna, Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, 2018