Annullamento della Velocità Terrestre, 2016
The "Cancellation of Earth's Speed" project starts from the study of the geocentric model which has as its object the knowledge of the real location, resulting from mathematical calculations, of Planet Earth in the Universe. If for centuries the object of research was the position of the Earth in the Solar system, today the attention has shifted to its functioning, for the survival of the human species. The video produced was shot on the Italian coast, at the 38th parallel, where the earth's motion is equivalent to 365 m/s, 1317 km/h
Pistola - Beretta 82 FS Cal. 7,65
“Muzzle velocity” is an internal ballistics term used to indicate the speed of the projectile coming out of the muzzle of the weapon. Depending on the vehicle being used, it is possible to equal the velocity of the bullet for a fraction of a second. earth rotation.
Annullamento della Velocità Terrestre, 2016
// Gun - Beretta 82 FS Cal. 7.65
//Video duration- 1,01’'